Thursday, April 17, 2014

The List, by Siobhan Vivian

okay so i read this book a while ago (i think it was sometime early this year) and i really loved it and basically its really good and super deep and yeah so
so basically its about this high school where every year before homecoming, a list is posted around the school by an unknown person and the list is basically of the prettiest and ugliest girls in each grade. this has been happening for a long time, so it couldnt possibly be the same person, and it happens every year without fail. basically the girls this year have different reactions but the principal this year is new and she wants to find out who did it and the whole book is kind of about how the different girls react and how their friends and family react and its really interesting and its super emotional and deep and stuff and so basically these are the girls
9th grade:
Prettiest:Abby - shes superficial and annoying and shallow and all she cares about is how she looks and shes supposed to be annoying (who has a sister named fern who is older and super genius and smart and no life and she was voted ugliest a few years ago) but shes so happy she doesnt see anything wrong
Ugliest: Danielle - shes super into swim and she made it on the highschool team in freshman year and basically shes worried about how her boyfriend will take the news but shes also glad because she gets so much attention from it but people keep bullying her and calling her Dan the Man
10th grade
Prettiest: Lauren - was previously homeschooled and its her first year at public school and she makes friends because of the list so shes happy
Ugliest: Candace - who is actually gorgeous but really mean and all her friends ditch her for lauren after shes chosen as ugliest so shes kind of mad
11th grade:
Prettiest: Bridget - whos little sister is abby's best friend and shes bulimic and she knows that its bad and shes trying to stop but since she got the prettiest she thinks that it must be making her prettier so she keeps doing it
Ugliest: Sarah - i personally hated her because she was always really "dont care about anything" and when she got ugliest she snapped and she just stopped taking showers or changing clothes or brushing her teeth and she smelled super bad and everyone avoided her and she was soo grooss like there was fuzz on her tongue and ewwww it was disgusting
12th grade
Prettiest: Margo - who used to be best friends with Jennifer but stopped after it was "uncool" and im not gonna explain cuz thats a huge part of the story and shes happy but i guess she expected it and she does realize that the list isnt good
Ugliest: Jennifer - whos been chosen as ugliest for all four years of high school and shes just kind of immune to it now and she doesnt care too much but it still hurts and yeah she realizes the list is bad and stuff but shes like "i cant do anything about it"

so the whole plot is finding out who wrote it but the interesting thing is how these characters deal with it and theyre such different people in such different situations but theyre the same in some ways and its really great how she develops the characters
so like 9/10 because if you werent super into books like this it could get boring i guess but i love these kinds of books
and if you liked books like 13 reasons why, id recommend this one
so heres the cover

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Books Made into Movies

soooo a lot of books get made into movies and it makes me really happy most of the time (At least before its released because the fandoms before movies are released are similar to the world before christmas) and i am going to talk about some of my favorite books that got made in to movies and how much i hated or liked the movies and soooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here we goooooooooo

  • Harry Potter series: 8.5/10 because they messed up some stuff but in my opinion they got most of the important stuff and they did the best they could and the casting was 100% perfecT LIKE RUPERT GRINT OHMYGOSHHHHHHH OAEWILJFKDSMC,X and they were just like really good and yeah i loved them
  • Divergent: 9/10 ohmygosh i loved this movie i though it was really accurate and well made and the actors are really talented and shai and theo had such great chemistry and i loved EVERYTHING IT WAS PERFECT AND THE FEELS IT WAS REALLY GOOD AT GIVING ME FOURTRIS FEELS and i didnt cry too much because it went really fast but at least they put everything in there it was really good

  • The Mortal Instruments- 7.5/10 i liked it okay and they did try to be accurate and jcb is so gorgeous you really cant go wrong with him okay lets just make a quick sidenote about jamie cambell bower 



  • Beautiful Creatures - i havent seen it
  • The Book Thief - havent seen it yet either

  • Percy Jackson: (just the first one) 1/10 thE ONLY POINT THIS GETS IS FOR LOGAN LERMAN BC HES NOT BAD LOOKING BUT EVEN THAT WAS MEDIOCRE HE DOESNT EVEN GET ONE GIF ON THIS WHOLE POST this was thE WORST EXCUSE FOR A MOVIE THAT HAS EVER BEEN MADE THE STUPID DIRECTORS DID THEY NOT READ THE FREAKING BOOK OR WHAT YOU STUPID DONKEYS WHAT WERE YOU THINKING NOTHING WAS RIGHT OHMYGOD YOU REBARBATIVE DONKEYS WHAT THE HECKKKKKK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU STUPID WHAT WERE YOU EVEN TRYING TO DO IF NO ONE HAD TOLD ME THAT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BASED ON THE PERCY JACKSON BOOKS I WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN KKNKOWWN LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK THEY RUINED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN EVER AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD OHMYFREAKINGGOD UGH AND IF I TRIED TO LIST EVERY THIING THEY DID WRONG THAT WOULD BE A POST IN ITSELF AND SO IM NOT GOING TO DO THAT MAYBE ILL RESERVE AN ENTIRE POST FOR POINTING OUT ALL THEIR STUPID LIFE RUINING MISTAKES LIKE CAN SOMEONE ELSE PLEAS EMAKE A BETTER VERSION OF THAT BOOK LIKE WHAT WERE THEY EVEN DOING THAT WAS THE WORST MOVIE EVER IM NOT EVEN GIVING THEM POINTS FOR CASTING BECAUSE HELLO??????????? ANNABETH IS MOTHER FREAKING BLONDE YOU STUPID DONKEYS AND WHAT WERE YOU IOHEFNSKDIFKCJANSDOIHKJNFAVCSIUKJ D MY HATRED FOR THIS MOVIE AND EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE DISGUSTING SCRIPT WRITING CANNOT EVEN BE EXPLAINED IN ENGLISH WORDS MORE LIKE INHUMAN SCREAMS AND THROWING STUFF BECAUSE THIS MOVIE MADE ME  SO MAD LIKE YOU DO NOT EVEN UNDERTAND I HAVE LOVED PERCY JACKSON FOR YEARS AND THIS STUPID MOVIE WAS THE BIGGEST LET DOWN AND BETRAYAL EVER LIKE NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. CAN EVEN COME CLOSE TO MAKING ME AS MAD AS THIS MOVIE DID LIKE WHAT TEKDSNVA;QO3HVDSOYR;NV ZC;8YDSKYW8KLNVDSYTQ8EIT4YOIERHSKGG;AIOERJG;OQIAERYTG;AOHERILKUTJ;OG AEI4UYJT'PGESOR8JMYU09ORESK[Y'P0ESOUJR;IYOHGDFZ.KLGJ.VZOFD]TLSYIDKJFBK,CXM ,ZSOEUOF;AEIRHTG/QEIHJVZ/LSDKJFVLKXC,MVZ,DFJT'GRFDKJV/LAOUEWFJ;OAEIRTGYUA;OERIHGOAEILRJFGV/ALZFDSKCJVA/LFDKFMPAEIORHF;OIGHAERO/LJGAOIPEAURAFJPOesDCJDLKOIAGERYU;OAERF UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The Maze Runner - i really liked this book (although not so much the sequels and prequel) and i think the movie is gonna be good and logan lerman is in it and i like him mostly and its okay so im okay eh 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pendragon Series, by DJ MacHale

so woo this is my second blog post today im on a roollll jk i probably wont finish this by today cuz i have like 6 minutes and i havent read these books in yeaaarrss but theyre such amazing books i love them so much its a series of 10 books:
  1. The Merchant of Death
  2. The Lost City of Faar
  3. The Never War
  4. The Reality Bug
  5. Black Water
  6. Rivers of Zadaa
  7. Quillan Games
  8. Pilgrims of Rayne
  9. Raven Rise
  10. The Soldiers of Halla
and basically theres like 10 worlds or something like that and each world is connected by portals but most people on earth dont know about other worlds but other worlds know about other worlds and bobby pendragon is supposed to prevent this one guy Saint Dane who actually wants to like collapse all the portals to combine all the worlds but that would kill a bunch of people and be really bad for things so each book is essentially him in one world trying to catch saint dane and eventually his friends mark and courtney get involved (spoiler alert: courtney is more than just a friend hint hint nudge nudge) and yeah so thats basically the whole summary and since its been so long since ive read them i dont remember the individual plot lines but thats kind of the whole story and theyre realllyyy good books and theyre so well written and super original and the characters develop really well by the end but i do remember wishing that they had resolved the books a little better i dont really remember why??? im sorry this is a bad post and again is doesnt do these books justice but its okay cuz theyre sooooo gooooooooooooooood asdfghjkl but i didnt even ship bobby and courtney that hard but idk maybe it was because i was kind of younger when i read the books and i didnt ship things that aggressively but idk it wasnt that feelsy but a good thing was there was nooooo love triangle!! i was so happy.

*side note on love triangles: they are the most overdone things in the world and right now i am so absolutely sick of them i am willing to read anything as long as theres no love triangle. not that im hating on the books that do have love triangles but most of the time books would be 28347023 times better if they didnt have them bc seriously like almost every book i read has one and its ssooo hard to find books that dont and honestly theyre just annoying and most of the time you end up hating all three people but most of all the girl/boy who cant choose between the two and it doesnt matter how well written or original or amazing a series is a love triangle will rarely ever not annoy me and most of the time they dont even give you feels and if they do its terrible because they just wont get together and sometimes she chooses the wrong guy and even if she doesnt end up with him in the end its still really annoying and i hate it a lot and i especially hate it when they leave one character alone because as much as the characters annoy me i still want them to be happy and if two of them get a happy ending then why cant all of them or at least have the decency to kill them or make them not into girls/boys so theres no problem there but when theyre just left heartbroken it kills me because no one deserves that and love triangles get a lot less annoying when the author brings in a character number 4 so that it becomes like a square but then it works out in the end and its happy and not cliche and nice but still not as nice as it would be if there hadnt been a love triangle to begin with and right now im reading this book called graceling which according to maryam doesnt have a love triangle and i was so desperate i didnt even wait for it at the library i bought it on my kindle and im on like chapter 3 (im sorry ive been studying for the AP too okay) and so far there has been a love interest introduced but only onneee and i know its too soon to tell but i trust maryam (mostly) so im excited and yeah this was really long side note but whatever

so anyway theres not too many characters in these books that are present for the whole series bc every book is in a different world and the people that bobby meets dont often travel with him so i cant really pick a character without re reading the whole series which i might do this summer when i go to india and get really bored but anyway so heres all the covers: 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Beautiful Creatures, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

so its been like 289347 years since ive written one of these and now im writing one so this one might be kind of bad but thats okay bc i dont care
so anyway beautiful creatures is one of my favorite books theres a series of 4 books (beautiful creatures, beautiful darkness, beautiful chaos, and beautiful redemption) and theyre soooo good.
 theyre set in a a small southern town in south carolina called Gatlin. Ethan Wate is the main character and he thinks hes normal (spoiler alert: hes not) but then this girl named lena duchannes moves to the town. her uncle is the "boo radley" of the town, and she doesnt fit in very well anyway. she is whats called a caster: she has powers to like create lighting and move stuff. you know. the usual. but more on that later.  so lena can communicate telepathically with ethan and they become friends and (spoiler alert) eventually more than that.
basically they both start getting creepy visions of their ancestors and they both realize that there is way more going on here. so this part gets really complicated and confusing to explain, but when i was reading i knew exactly what was happening; unfortunately its been a few months since ive read these books. (i read them in october) so yeah. but then a lot of spoopy stuff happens and they find out a bunch of stuff.
so basically lena is a caster but in her family (just her family no one elses) the casters don't get the power to choose whether they will be a light (good) or a dark (bad) caster. so i guess that means that the dark casters arent necessarily bad in her family, but more on that later. so lenas 16th birthday is approaching and she is going to become a full caster and whoever it is or whatever it is that chooses for her is going to choose. but lena becomes the exception to this no choice rule, so shes able to choose (so being the outcasts of the outcasts makes her normal: helpful hint: this isnt always true in real life) but the problem is if she chooses light, all the dark casters in her family die but if she chooses dark then the light casters die and she doesnt want to because like i said: theyre not necessarily evil or good. so she procrastinates and some serious stuff happens and basically shes given another year to choose.
 i know this is a really bad summary but its beEN A WHILE CUT ME SOME SLACK and im not doing the book any justice at all because not only is the magic/spooopy stuff plotline amazing, the whole southern small town thing is done amazzinngglyy and theyre such well written books and one of my favvvorite things is that thereS NO LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!! NONE!!!!!!!!!! WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!! UNTIL A LITTLE LATER IN THE SERIES BUT NOT IN THE FIRST BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i loooveee ridley because she comes off all badass and unapproachable and sarcastic but actually she has feelings!!!hjesdf if you havent already noticed i have a thing for characters who hide their feelings (nico,leo,eight,finnick,will,jace,etc.) and yeah so but these books are super good and you should read them and also theres a movie which i havent watched yet but i think i should because the books are good but as much as i didnt do it justice, movies rarely do either.
but yeah overall opinion is 10/10 theyre addicting and so well written and the plotline is really original and it combines two really different worlds really well so yeah i know this post is way out of order and theres not all those things that i usually do so sorry but i havent done this in a while so my next one will be better (probably not but whatever)
so heres the book cover                           and heres the movie poster

Thursday, December 5, 2013

An Abundance of Katherines, by John Green

sooOOO i went shopping on wednesday and i finally bought my own copy of katherines (and paper towns) and yeah so im not sure what else to write


so basically theres this boy named colin singleton and he is a child prodigy (he knows everything- and i mean everything. literally. just read the book)  and he has a thing for girls named katherine. he has been dumped exactly 19 times, and each time he was dumped by a different girl, and each time the girls name was katherine. so with the end of the relationship with katherine the 19th, colin decides to go on a road trip to clear his brain or whatever because he is so devastated and he cannot for the life of him explain why his katherines keep dumping him. so with his best friend hassan, he goes to a tiny little town called gutshot tennessee  because he heard that the archduke franz ferdinand (whos assasination began world war I) was buried there (he wasnt) and there he meets a girl named lindsey lee wells (who happens also to be dating a boy jerk named colin) and there he becomes friends with her and he stays with her and he gets a job interviewing the citys residents who work in a factory and i am not going to say what that factory produces but if you want to you can google it. so while he is there he is a) becoming closer to lindsey and b) trying to develop a formula to graph a relationship and figure out (finally) why he keeps getting dumped by girls named katherine. then hassan ends up going out with the hottest girl in the entire town, and then sees her with lindseys boyfriend colin so he dumps her and lindsey dumps colin and ends up with our colin (colin singleton) and then they find out that the factory is not making enough money so they are burrying half their product and keeping everyone employed. and colin also learns that the future is unpredictable. 

so in the end his formula looked like this :
and yeah
its beautiful okay just read the book.

My overall opinion:

27462837491284/10 i loved it so much oiwaehflviuedsjholqiawefhlucisdho8i;OWIEUFVH;ODSIJK and yeah i really liked lindsey and hassan they were soo funny and TOC irritated me a lot and idk the book was just really good but i liked looking for alaska a little better. but it was still really good and i think colin is the only main character that ive ever related to so much like ewiofhdvilujfdscikjsvdfnoriwgh.vkfd we even worry about the same things and like idk it was really good i like colin but not as much as i like augustus waters but i am nothing like augustus but i feel like colin and i would have gotten along really well but i dont ship myself and colin cuz i ship him with lindsey and anyway i ship myself with someone else. so.

and temporarily heres a picture of the cover i will edit this so that it is a picture of my copy once i get home but for now:

i think this is the fan designed one but im not for 100% sure

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

okay so josh let me borrow this book and i wasnt going to read it at first but then i was like why not so i did and now it is 8:40 on a saturday night and i have just finished this book and i have decided to blog about it.
what does that say about me
that speaks volumes
it is a saturday night on a 6 day weekend
i need a life
but anyway you probably dont want to hear about my life (or lack of one) so yeah


so basically what happened is there are these aliens, and they are invading earth and  they invaded in waves so the first wave was that all the electronics broke, the second was an earthquake/tidal wave, the third was a disease carried by birds that basically killed you and made blood come out of your eyes and nose, and the fourth was that the aliens could inhabit peoples bodies. so all these have happened and cassie is alone and being stalked by an alien in a persons body. her brother is being held captive by these people, and with him is benjamin parish, the boy that cassie kind of sort of had a thing for before.. you know... the alien apocalypse. so she ends up falling in love with the alien in the persons body who happens to be stalking her and she is simultaneously still having her kind of sort of thing for benjamin parish who did not even know she existed and in fact did not recognize her when she succeeded in rescuing sammy (her brother) from the aliens. but while cassie was making out with evan and looking for sammy, ben a) became very close to her brother and b) became very close to another girl named Ringer and im not exacly sure who ends up with whom. and this summary is pretty short and it leaves out a lot of stuff but its basically the story

My Overall Opinion:

6/10 it was pretty good but it was basically a combination of enders game and the host. it was pretty well written and the story was interesting ish but most of the time i couldnt even tell where it was going. i didnt like that in the beginning she basically let a man die because he wasnt ben parish and then later when she meets up with ben theyre running away from some aliens and he offers her his hand and she goes im not sure if i would have taken it if it was anyone elses. like nO THIS IS AN ALIEN APOCALYPSE THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS KIND OF SORT OF THING YOU HAD FOR THIS BOY WHO DIDNT EVEN KNOW YOU EXISTED.  pretty much cassies never ending obsession with ben parish bothered me the whole time and just in general she was so irritating. i liked ringer a lot because of this scene (when she was first introduced): 

When i look up again, she's heading for the showers with a towel thrown over her shoulder. She pauses at the door. "if anybody in this squad touches me, ill kill them."
there's nothing menacing or funny about the way she says it. as if shes stating a fact, like its cold outside. 
"ill spread the word," i say 
"and when im in the shower, off limits. total privacy."
"roger that. anything else?"
i shake my head. holler at the boys, "any of you pervs play chess?"
"No," flint calls back, "but if shes in the mood for some strip poker-"
it happens before i can get two inches off the mattress; flint on the ground, holding his throat, kicking his legs like a stomped on bug, Ringer standing over him.
"also no demeaning, sexist, pseudo-macho remarks" 


she reminded me a lot of alaska from looking for alaska by john green but more... you know... alien apocalypse - y 

yeah so thats basically it. and heres the cover: 

its pretty ish but it doesnt say anything about the book like it could be a modern rendition of red riding hood or it could be a romeo juliet story and you wouldnt be able to tell 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Gone, by Michael Grant

yeah so i know i did my blog presentation on this (and made a complete idiot out of myself but its okay because most of you already know that im an idiot and if you dont then wow look at that you learned something today) but i want to do a post on it to so im going to cuz this is my blog dont tell me what to do so yeah basically this book is called gone and its by michael grant and its the first book in a series of 6 (gone hunger lies plague fear light) and maryam introduced me to these books and theyre soo amazing but theyre not very deep and metaphorical in a john green kind of a way its more like a hunger games kind of a way but slightly less but similar. and itS KIND OF HARD TO SHIP THINGS WHEN EVERYONE IS DEAD (hehe all my friends are dead) (literally) (ohmYGOD WHAT HAVE I DONE THAT WAS HORRIBLE IM CRYING NO THAT JOKE WAS NOT WORTH THE FEELS OH DEAR)
but anyway if you dont want to read the whole thing just skip to the end and answer the questions okay bc im curious


so basically what happens is theres this tiny little town called perdido beach and it has a nuclear power plant but sometimes people call it fallout alley because earlier a meteor hit the plant and a bunch of radiation leaked into the ground and what happens is magically everyone over the age of 15 pops out of the town and everyone under the age of 15 is trapped in this dome that surrounds the town. but once you turn 15 you have the choice to pop out or not but at first no one knew where you went so that was a difficult decision. so the animals and people are both mutating and developing powers and abnormalities and stuff like that  (which is one reason why i like this book so much cuz genetic mutation makes a super interesting sci fi story) and they call the dome the FAYZ (fallout alley youth zone) but its mostly about this boy sam and his girlfriend astrid and they have to put in place a government and organize all the kids and plan all this stuff. astrids little brother pete, who is autistic, probably had something to do with it all and he may have caused it but they dont know how. but anyway so the bullies are beating up kids, people are starving, theres no food or water or electricity or wifi or anything and they have to figure out 1) why everyone is mutating 2) how to stay alive with all the stuff happening 3) how to feed like 600 kids who dont want to work 4) what did little pete have to do with it 5) how do they get out 6) why did it happen in the first place and probably lots more stuff. 
but anyway i am going to make this helpful little list here of names and what power they have.

  • Sam can shoot beams of light out of his palms
  • Caine - telekinesis
  • Lana can heal any wound 
  • Brianna can run super fast like speed-of-a-bullet fast
  • Taylor can teleport
  • Diana can read peoples powers to see how powerful they are
  • Dekka can turn gravity on or off
  • Bug can camouflage with his environment like a chameleon 
  • Hunter can like direct heat and concentrate it in one place 
  • andrew can like shoot shock waves from his hands that break concrete and stuff
  • Computer Jack has super strength 
  • astrid can like view peoples importance ?? i dont really understand her power 
  • Orsay can view peoples dreams 
  • Brittney can regenerate so shes like incapable of dying 
  • Duck can control his density so like he can float in air or sink in water if he wants 
  • Emily can do what taylor does but she can take people with her 
  • Penny can create illusions and make people see things that arent really there
  • Jill can sing and her voice is supposed to distract you and when she tells you to do something youre going to do it 
  • and then little pete and gaia have most of these but to a much greater extent  
and yeah so caine and all the kids from coates academy want to rule over everyone but likea dictatorship so sam has to battle him and


sam and caine are brothers *gasp* but anyway yeah. so thats basically what happens. 

Favorite Character: 

hey look i started a new section and thats cuz there are some characters that youre so incredibly in love with that itS NOT FAIR WHY ARENT THEY REAL 
but anwyay i guess it would be edilio because hes misunderstood and hes sad inside and hes so considerate and nice and people are so mean to him and awwww and also hes hilarious and also hes gay which only makes me love him more 

My overall opinion:

10/10 but you have to be okay with blood and guts so yeah. 
it was super amazing and its so interesting and the story is unique and complicated and addicting and its amazing like asdfghjkl; and like i said genetic mutation is super interesting so yeah and the characters are well developed bUT MOST OF THEM DIE SO IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER (like trust me veronica, joanne, suzanne, rick, and all the other authors i complain about look like saints compared to this guy) but its amazing like its well written and interesting and action - y and it has some romance but its not forced or like drowning in it or anything. the ending of the series bothered me a little but it was like the characters bothered me and they did what they should have done and what they would have done in that situation but like they were annoyyiinnggg. it was expected of them but it still annoyed me so i wasnt annoyed at michael grant (like i was annoyed at veronica at the end of allegiant when she tried to make tobias and christina a thing i was lIKE STAHP IT UGH) but what happens is that all the parents just assume theyre going to be emotionally and mentally okay after having dealt with that for months and killed so many people and seen so much terrible stuff like i was not okay after reading about it imagine having to ACTUALLY BE PART OF IT WUIEKFJDS. 

and heres the cover (i would have posted a picture of mine but i left it in my locker so too bad youre stuck with an image from google)

but this is a pretty cool thing that someone made and this is all the books:

but anyway i have some questions for you that are actually pretty interesting to think about and they areeee:

  • if you could have any of these powers which one would you want
  • if you were in sam or astrids or edilios or alberts situation and you turned 15 would you leave or stay (bc like you feel some responsibility to help all the people who arent so fortunate that they can leave but at the same time the FAYZ is horrible and you want to leave)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Every Day by David Levithan

so basically i read this book like a long time ago and it was really good but no one else likes it but i did so im just gonna blog about it anyway because i dont really care


so basically its about this person (soul??? spirit??? im not really sure) but they dont have a body, so they wake up in a different body every day. and basically its about like he (im just gonna call him he because the main part of the story is when hes a guy but sometimes hes a girl too and yeah) meets this girl rhiannon once when hes in her boyfriend justins body but her boyfriend is kind of a crappy boyfriend and he yells and hits her and stuff but he wasnt always like that but he is now so anyway then he is really nice to her and then he feels bad because he knows justin wont be a good boyfriend and shell get her hopes up that hes changed so later on he decides to tell her the truth and then she tries to be in a relationship with him but it doesnt work so then he just like runs away and every day of his entire life from now on hes just gonna keep traveling in one direction with no regard for the persons life what so ever

theres nothing else to write except my overall opinion sooooooooooooooo

my overall opinion: 

8/10 it was reeaallyy good but the story was eh and i didnt like how it ended and i  thought he sHOULD HAVE ENDED UP WITH RHIANNON BECAUSE SHE IS SOO CUTE AND JUSTIN WAS A JERRRKKK. but it was incrediibllyy well written i loved it. it was like super deep and stuff but like while the story was original and it was interesting i feel like he could have done a lot more with it than what he did in the book. i really like the concept of the story though. and also like how can he just ignore everything in everyones lives and just run away and the next morning leave them to wake up hundreds of miles from their house with no idea how they got there like THAT IS NOT NICE NO YOU CANNOT DO THAT. i feel like he should have just continued to try and make their lives as normal as possible without making it harder for himself to let go and yeah. also i think he should have given us more chapters in other peoples lives because i found that more interesting than the actual plot itself.

and heres the cover:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

i saw this on tumblr

i literally had to stop and re evaluate my entire life ohmygosh


some of my favorite quotes

okay so there are some incredibly genius people in the world and some of them get famous and they get their words framed on walls and repeated over and over and over and usually that happens for a reason (that reason being that those words are kind of perfect descriptions of something or they have some deep metaphorical meaning or something along those lines) and a lot of those quotes are about reading because reading has existed for a very long time and so people talk about it a lot and generally it is socially acceptable for famous people to say good things about books and a lot of the time those words about are said by people who write books too and anyway enough rambling (im not even 100% sure that what im writing makes sense because im listening to music (if anyone cares its The Best Day by Taylor Swift) while iim writing this so please excuse any errors, grammatical or otherwise.

so anyway this is a list of just a few amazingly geniusly accurate or beautiful quotes said by famous people

*side note* im like 3896% sure that there are other equally genius things said by not famous people that no one knows because said person is not famous and that is tragic but theres nothing we can do about it so oh well.

anyway back to the list.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

(yes this is the one in my side bar too)

“You're never alone when you're reading a book.”
― Susan Wiggs

“Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know.”
― Alberto Manguel, A Reading Diary: A Passionate Reader's Reflections on a Year of Books

“I go back to the reading room, where I sink down in the sofa and into the world of The Arabian Nights. Slowly, like a movie fadeout, the real world evaporates. I'm alone, inside the world of the story. My favourite feeling in the world.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

“But, how do you know if an ending is truly good for the characters unless you've traveled with them through every page?”
― Shannon Hale, Midnight in Austenland

“Maybe reading was just a way to make her feel less alone, to keep her company. When you read something you are stopped, the moment is stayed, you can sometimes be there more fully than you can in your real life.”
― Helen Humphreys, Coventry

“I see all of us reading ourselves away from ourselves, straining in circles of light to find more light until the line of words becomes a trail of crumbs that we follow across a page of fresh snow...”
― Billy Collins, Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book…… And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can’t tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal.”
 -John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”
― Oscar Wilde

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.”
― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”
― John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

Literature is my Utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourses of my book friends. They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness.
Helen Keller

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.

–Vera Nazarian

A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.

–G.K. Chesterton

A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it or offer your own version in return.

–Salman Rushdie

In a good book the best is between the lines.

–Swedish Proverb

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it.

–Edward P. Morgan

All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was.

–Ernest Hemingway

Books support us in our solitude and keep us from being a burden to ourselves.

–Jeremy Collier

Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?

–Henry Ward Beecher

That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

–Amos Bronson Alcott

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.

–William Styron

There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.

–Joseph Brodsky

You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.

–Paul Sweeney

Every reader finds himself. The writer’s work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what, without this book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself.

– Marcel Proust

No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.

–C.S. Lewis

A man may as well expect to grow stronger by always eating as wiser by always reading.

–Jeremy Collier

It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written. The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers.

–Judy Blume

If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.

–Toni Morrison

A good book has no ending.

–R.D. Cumming

There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work magic.
- Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale

and a personal favorite:
The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.

–Oscar Wilde

and since i want a picture and also because i love disney and also because belle is the best princess ever:

^accurate. see belle understands us fangirls.