Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Every Day by David Levithan

so basically i read this book like a long time ago and it was really good but no one else likes it but i did so im just gonna blog about it anyway because i dont really care


so basically its about this person (soul??? spirit??? im not really sure) but they dont have a body, so they wake up in a different body every day. and basically its about like he (im just gonna call him he because the main part of the story is when hes a guy but sometimes hes a girl too and yeah) meets this girl rhiannon once when hes in her boyfriend justins body but her boyfriend is kind of a crappy boyfriend and he yells and hits her and stuff but he wasnt always like that but he is now so anyway then he is really nice to her and then he feels bad because he knows justin wont be a good boyfriend and shell get her hopes up that hes changed so later on he decides to tell her the truth and then she tries to be in a relationship with him but it doesnt work so then he just like runs away and every day of his entire life from now on hes just gonna keep traveling in one direction with no regard for the persons life what so ever

theres nothing else to write except my overall opinion sooooooooooooooo

my overall opinion: 

8/10 it was reeaallyy good but the story was eh and i didnt like how it ended and i  thought he sHOULD HAVE ENDED UP WITH RHIANNON BECAUSE SHE IS SOO CUTE AND JUSTIN WAS A JERRRKKK. but it was incrediibllyy well written i loved it. it was like super deep and stuff but like while the story was original and it was interesting i feel like he could have done a lot more with it than what he did in the book. i really like the concept of the story though. and also like how can he just ignore everything in everyones lives and just run away and the next morning leave them to wake up hundreds of miles from their house with no idea how they got there like THAT IS NOT NICE NO YOU CANNOT DO THAT. i feel like he should have just continued to try and make their lives as normal as possible without making it harder for himself to let go and yeah. also i think he should have given us more chapters in other peoples lives because i found that more interesting than the actual plot itself.

and heres the cover:

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